Shirley: "So what's your favourite food, what do you like to eat?"
Josh: "Lasagne!"
Shoeshine: "Pizza!"
Ben: "Chocolate!
Paul: "Yeah, I think a mix..." — Paul McConachy
Paul: "Anyway, I think you should get Shoeshine to do the funny thing"
Josh: "Shoeshine, do something funny"
Shoeshine: "Josh, take the seat" — shoeshine
Paul: "The cat has something to say. Lick my finger."
Shoeshine: "Hey the cat's upstaged me"
Josh: "I'll lick your finger Paul" — tommo39
Josh: "We apologise for Shoeshine talking"
Paul: "Sorry, we want you to do it all in sign language" — Paul McConachy
Shirley: "How did you get the band name Cubed?"
Paul: "Every other name was taken wasn't it?" — Paul McConachy
Shirley: "How did you avoid getting into the alcohol and drugs then?"
Shoeshine: "We just didn't know the right people" — shoeshine
"I usually focus on one thing, and then... (turns around) ooh" — Paul McConachy
Shoeshine: "Obviously we can't speak from experience cause we haven't done the drugs and alcohol"
Josh: "We can't afford them" — tommo39
Ben: "To answer the original question, you can find happiness outside of alcohol and drugs"
Shoeshine: "What, and you can't find it in them?" — shoeshine