Matt: "You can do recessions." Robbie: "Recessions?" Matt: "Yea, you know, when people go and recess their sins." — mattcom
"There are a lot of accurate syllables that people are full of today." — mattcom
Michael - "I like the 3D-animation movies with the 2-level humour in it, like the stuff that kids find funny, but also other humour that adults find funny." Matt - "Like Borat." — mattcom
"I was thinking of drawing a face on my knee and asking it for a kiss" — mattcom
"You've gotta jump into the shop, take a pee and hop out again." — mattcom
"Paul: You're drinking from my personal drink bottle. Matt: I know, that's cause I'm your personal friend!" — mattcom
"It could be the holy grail of Aslan or something" — mattcom
"(to the tune of highway to hell) I'm on a Road to Perdition!" — mattcom
"I was about to say something insightful and wisdomly" — mattcom
"invite her round, it'll be a friendly thing with the three of us and we won't kiss her 'til the end." — mattcom
"Because it makes me sound up myself and I'm really quite humble." (complaining about me adding quotes logged in as him.) — mattcom
"I don't have your base instincts. I'm not like a caveman running after a mammoth taking a bite every now and then" — mattcom
"This is a UHF coathanger" (when attempting to tune our TV to prime) — mattcom
"We could all put our beds in that room and use the rest as a flipping orgy." — mattcom
"We should subdivide the garage and have some israelis in there." — mattcom