"It could be the holy grail of Aslan or something" — mattcom
"(to the tune of highway to hell) I'm on a Road to Perdition!" — mattcom
"(In reference to woolies across the road) It's like a pantry except outside, and you have to pay to get stuff out." — shoeshine
"Josh: So what happens next? Shoeshine: I take my clothes off" — shoeshine
"Shoeshine: How do you know people on the internet? Josh: Well you just meet them Shoeshine: But you don't!" — shoeshine
"Darkness is the absence of light. Boot is the absence of car." — shoeshine
"I was about to say something insightful and wisdomly" — mattcom
"invite her round, it'll be a friendly thing with the three of us and we won't kiss her 'til the end." — mattcom
"Because it makes me sound up myself and I'm really quite humble." (complaining about me adding quotes logged in as him.) — mattcom
"I don't have your base instincts. I'm not like a caveman running after a mammoth taking a bite every now and then" — mattcom
"What are Daniel Collis' boxers doing in our hallway?" — shoeshine
"This is a UHF coathanger" (when attempting to tune our TV to prime) — mattcom
"COD4? But what are you going to do with your old CPU?" — Paul McConachy
"(in reference to tetris) It just raped me." — Anthony McGrath
"I have to get up fifteen minutes early to get through the stuff on my floor." — Paul McConachy
"If at first you don't succeed, try try try again... With another girl. " — Paul McConachy
"Oy freakin' oy... listen listen... What the hell? - Matt You should be a rapper, 'Oy freakin oy listen listen what the hell.' - Daniel" — shoeshine
"We could all put our beds in that room and use the rest as a flipping orgy." — mattcom
"We should subdivide the garage and have some israelis in there." — mattcom