What, the drug? — qwandor
nup. — tommo39
To what, then, where you referring? — qwandor
aww, do we have to explain quotes? It kinda spoils them. Out of context is the whole point. — tommo39
Hmm, yes and no. I think a lot of the humour of such quotes comes from having been there and heard it said — in context — but imagining it out of context. And so of course you avoid the context when quoting it, so that it sounds bizarre, but when later you read it you can remember the context.

I guess I am just naturally curious. I like to understand things. — qwandor
The word bed: looking like a bed. I think this quote doesn't lose anything in context. — shoeshine
Oh, indeed not. In fact I think that it is funnier with that context. — qwandor
I know you're naturally curious, that's why I'm wary of feeding your desire for quote context. If I start being someone who gives context, I'll have to do it on every quote. — tommo39

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