"Val head home want sleep go bus miss stop stranded busbus yay adventure wheeee!" — vanTalerie
"Writing isn't a big thing. It's a million little things." — Karpathos
"(in reference to Wellington Anniversary Day) is it a holiday on monday in wellington too?" — shoeshine
"See, that's what I've missed! My face has suffered no abuse recently!" — tommo39
"Chris: well some of these status' are just so ambiguous. Are we all just trying to sound mysterious or what?... Josh: Girls love nothing more than to sound mysterious... why do you think they were all posting the colours of their underwear without explaining to anyone?" — tommo39
"We should all get girlfriends next year I'm now tempted to quote that but then that would kinda give the game away to all the girls who read it" — tommo39
"Josh: @Sid give me something to procrastinate about and I shall.
Sid: Ok, I'll do that tomorrow" — Sid Bachtiar
Tommo: "'tis all very cute" Shoeshine: "What is?" Tommo: "Girls liking guys" — tommo39
"Shoeshine: Why is it that nice looking guitars sound crap and ugly ones sound good?
Tommo: Just like girls" — tommo39
"like I could have slipped, knocked my head on the red one, got my foot stuck in the green one, fell down with my foot still stuck, knocked my head on the blue one.. then fell to the ground. BAMMM!! HEAD FIRST DEAD!" — justcallmemel