"Josh: What are you putting in your sandwiches? Shoeshine: Avocado and chili paste." — shoeshine
"Shoes: It's on the back of an email from Uncle Dave Tommo: I don't have an Uncle Dave Shoes: It's addressed to Ian Thompson (passes paper across) Tommo: Oh, I do have an Uncle Dave!!!" — tommo39
Shoeshine sings "he's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole world in his hands, ... I don't know where it goes from here" Josh: "he's got the whole world in his hands" — shoeshine
"I must be old, I'm making hot chocolate when there's coke on the table. " — tommo39
"(regarding herbs) It's like hundreds and thousands, but for meat." — shoeshine
"Is it really 2 O Clock? Like, with zeros and everything?" — shoeshine
"The thing with French is that even when they're angry they still sound like they're asking you out" — shoeshine
"People have been knocking over black people for centuries." — Polly Dacre