lorne: "If I ask Stephen whether you are a bug what would he say?" qwandor: "I am not sure..." lorne: "'Not a bug, works for me'" — Andrew Childs
"I have not taken the time to play with Coq yet." — Andrew Childs
"Git is simple the way that organic chemistry is simple, in that it is all carbons, hydrogens and oxygens." — Chris Andreae
"But if it's running on Linux, then it's... not running on Windows." — Andrew Childs
(points to Simon) "Your third-world country is fail!" — Donald Gordon
"Impotent = you can play with it but you won't get anything out of it" — Andrew Cr
"Some companies have Friday afternoon drinks. We have Friday afternoon arguing-about-authentication-schemes." — Chris Andreae
"Everyone knows someone who wasn't an orphan, for example." — Andrew Childs
"Many people, such as this one (points at lorne)..." — Chris Andreae
"If you add enough eggs you get mayonaise, but it doesn't really count. Objective C++ is like mayonaise." — Chris Andreae