"If you were down there, I wouldn't go down there"
— vipul
Everytime somebody writes "psuedocode" in their report, they must replace it with make-believe code
— vipul
"Stephen's a closet bassoon player."
— vipul
(about African children) "They're expensive now. $1.50."
— vipul
"You're white right? I keep forgetting."
— vipul
"(to Hugh) Don't make me... don't get water on me."
— vipul
"Vipul: I do have a secret stash of spoons and forks. Stephen: You could use it to make a fork bomb!"
— vipul
"My naked offer stands for you too, Stephen."
— vipul
"Did someone satisfy you? With nuts?"
— vipul
"Andrew pleased Alex yesterday, and I was wondering how I could do it."
— vipul
"I wish I could please Alex."
— vipul
"I shouldnt have done what I did with the kitty."
— vipul
"He's the kind of guy who would have an eight way."
— vipul
"Do you want to take him with you?"
— vipul
"What can I say, I can't hang onto the nipple."
— vipul
"Four on four action!"
— vipul
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I can go up, right, left and down"
— vipul
"Feel mine and feel his"
— vipul
"The age old problem - Where do i stick it?"
— vipul
"I have a hole, oh noes"
— vipul
"Andrew, use a fork"
— vipul
"And then we started Rasterbating"
— vipul
"There is no line 42 damnit!"
— vipul
"Think of us as your practice girlfriend"
— vipul
"I feel like tearing off my clothes and going into battle"
— vipul
"Seriously, feel it, touch it, touch it"
— vipul