Joey is struggling with a piece of Hayden's car. MJ: "Do you need someone to hold?" — Matthew
Lisa: "Fiona Smith added me as a friend." Hayden heard: "Is a slow cooker your friend?" MJ heard: "You slow cooked a friend?" — Matthew
Hayden: "Like Grand Theft Auto." MJ: "What? Grab their daughters?" — Matthew
"Advice from the bubble master:be 20cm away from the bubble wandavoid the snakesing to your bubble" — Matthew
[while blowing bubbles] "Ohh, that's Mr Finkle Winkle." — Matthew
Hayden: [as he is applying his chapstick] "I get dry lips." MJ: "You could get someone to moisten your lips for you." — Matthew
Hayden: "If you were an apple, you'd be delicious." MJ: "If you were an apple, you'd be in my mouth." — Matthew
MJ: "The people of All Saints who organize stuff don't even know what's going on." Lisa: "Does that include yourself? You organize some stuff." MJ: "I don't know." Lisa: "Point proven." — Matthew