"Now everybody's doing shots of my pasta sauce!" — Chris Andreae
via text in response to sport: "Sadly I cannot didn't u realise it's carols by candlelight tonight and yes that's the gayest message I have ever sent" — Kyle Chard
Stephen: "if you assume no central server and no direct tcp, then what?" lorne: "if you assume an orange is playing Beethoven on a monkey then what?" Stephen: "sweet, furry navels that sound good?" — stephen
"(2 days before honours is due) I should put my results in ..." — hugh
Everytime somebody writes "psuedocode" in their report, they must replace it with make-believe code — vipul
"You guys are mental you know that? You're going to come out of this place needing to go to an asylum." — David Pearce
"Playing with your opposite hand makes you feel like a poof" — richard
"(To Hugh) It's your taste in Stephen's jazz" — Carlton Downey
"You know Carlton isn't the smartest knife in the drawer" — hugh
"I don't think I could get any work done, you guys distract me too much." — Kyle Chard
Neil: "Alli told me you broke your tool." Stephen: "It didn't break, it just didn't fit properly." — stephen
"What is the thing which you can't see? They were showing it off in the demos." — stephen
"Stephen: I could get out my iPod shuffle. Vipul: And do what? Stephen: Sniff it!" — stephen
"There were first years. And then there was food." — Melanie Nelson
"I've come up with a cunning plan. It's cunning in its cunningness. I'm using aspects to weave my reporting into my aspects." — stephen
"I just want to do something. Without doing anything. You know what I mean." — stephen
"Stephen's not here, so I can't drive him up the wall." — Alex Potanin
"I didn't mean that Stephen. I'm actually a nice person." — Kyle Chard
"I've had budgies, you wouldn't want them in your speedos" — stephen
(about African children) "They're expensive now. $1.50." — vipul
"It would be good if there were a website where you could enter your girlfriend's birthday and address, and it would deal with presents and everything. I would be willing to pay $10 a year for that. Birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day..." — Kyle Chard
"Quick, someone give me the smallest prime number less than the max integer size!" — Carlton Downey
"and right now I really have to dash, currently I am inside a mental hospital. ... Repairing their computer." — Comradepara
"I used to wear budgie-smugglers every day. It took me until I was 16 to work out that that was not what people normally wear to the beach." — Carlton Downey
Carlton: "The question is, is your shit better than my shit?" Alex: "We'll have to find out." — Carlton Downey
"(to Neil) Are you free tonight? ... late, tonight?" — Clinton Scott
"Vipul: I do have a secret stash of spoons and forks. Stephen: You could use it to make a fork bomb!" — vipul
"We waxed one of my mates for fun, on a ski trip." — Carlton Downey
"Hugh: I've been doing it by myself for years. Neil: That's what she said." — hugh
"Took me four tries to find the right entrance." — Andrew Childs
"I am going to have a terminal party, no-one shall survive." — Neil Ramsay
"Kyle: He must have been a black man. Stephen: I don't know if he's black or not. Kyle: That's racist." — Kyle Chard
"Mina: Hey, wanna rape me down an alley? Kyle: Not me!" — Kyle Chard
"I want to be mindless and without future." — Dmitri Koudrin
"If you don't punch a monkey, you're a traitor to your species." — Stuart Marshall
"I've been threatened with an apple before..." — Peter Komisarczuk
"It's kinda scary when it pops out in front of you." — Kyle Chard
"I saw the goats, they're sexy goats, I'll give you that much." — databmoose
"Kyle: I think me and Kris should be together. Kris: What colour are your balls?" — Kyle Chard
"Andrew pleased Alex yesterday, and I was wondering how I could do it." — vipul
"I wouldn't wait, I'd just go kill people in real life." — Jonathan Bartlett
"Paley: Both ways seem really tight. Cat: That's what she said." — Paley Li
"I love this girl. I think she's affection. I can't get it off." — Paley Li
"I just said it was dead, I didn't say it wasn't alive." — Jessica Campbell
"You guys are obsessed with Snickers, seriously." — superspring
"This is orgy programming! Everyone is just sticking in whatever they want!" — Andrew Childs
"I can't do it with something this floppy." — Blaise Drinkwater
"You don't fix your baby unless you don't want grandkids." — Jonathan Bartlett
"It's really hard to see when it gets dark. It's really annoying." — Matthew Kiernan
"Sorry, I didn't hear you, I was too busy chewing on my nuts." — Seby Kruger
"We need to find some kind of lubricant which won't damage the latex." — stephen
"Lets get my stuff and go home together." — Constantine Dymnikov
"Are you one of those ambiguous sexuality types?" — Kyle Chard
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I can go up, right, left and down" — vipul
"I was trying to get it up but i couldnt find the sticky stuff" — Lingzi Zi
"I talked to her on the phone on Monday and you wouldn't know she was blind at all" — Ben Bradshaw
"Let's abstract this, cars are just moving walls" — Constantine Dymnikov
"Portégé, it's like how you spell cabbage." — Matthew Kiernan
"Worst user interface ever... I think this tops the hell website(on stereo)" — Eddie Stanley
"I feel like tearing off my clothes and going into battle" — vipul
"Last time I left it too late, I almost screwed myself!" — Ben Bradshaw
"Alex is a customer, we must satisfy his needs" — Carlton Downey
"I hate people who use fractions, they should all be rounded up" — Luke McCrohon
"Opera has built-in G-String, doesn't it?”" — Matt Bonniface
"(while drunk) They expect you to pull things out of your ass, so get your hand in there and grab." — Chris Andreae
"When I saw Kim this morning, I was so excited I unzipped my pants!" — David Keane
"Neil [Leslie] has his finger in International Students" — Kim Chirnside